For those who have read (or begun to read or have intentions to read) The Penguin Book of Italian Short Stories, edited by Jhumpa Lahiri, we will meet tonight, December 9th at 6pm Italy time to discuss it. The Zoom link is here.
It has been such an amazing year reading with you all. We read ten books by Italian women writers in translation—seven novels, two memoirs, and one short story collection. I am so grateful to everyone who read along and shared their thoughts, either via email or during our in-person discussions. Grazie di cuore.
I am excited to announce that the Illuminare Book Club will continue in 2025, this time with a different set of themes and timeline, and most importantly with a new collaboration.
We will read four books this year—one per season—each chosen for their diverse content, including themes of immigration, class dynamics, LGBTQ+ relationships, and mental health.
Clash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio by Amara Lakhous, translated by Ann Goldstein
Swimming to Elba by Silvia Avallone, translated by Antony Shugaar
Separate Rooms by Pier Vittorio Tondelli, translated by Simon Pleasance (n.b. This new translation releases on April 24th, 2025)
Everything Calls for Salvation by Daniele Mencarelli, translated by Wendy Wheatley
This year’s book club will be run by me and Lauren Mouat, an author, editor of the bilingual Open Doors Review literary magazine, and founding member of the Florence Literary Society. I am thrilled to partner with her and bring our two communities together to discuss contemporary Italian culture and literature. We look forward to reading more with you in the coming year!
P.S. If gorgeous art and fascinating history are your thing then please do check out my new course, Backstory: Saints in Florentine Art, which begins on January 9th, 2025. Receive 25% off by enrolling before December 25th! ✨